
Trade & Others

Trade is a new business sector emerged out of NFC’s core business development, namely project contracting and resources exploitation. Depending upon the domestic and international nonferrous metal resources enterprises it has been investing and as well as the projects it has been undertaking, NFC provides strong support for the plant operation and project implementation through trade whenever it is necessary.
NFC’s major trade activities include exporting essential auxiliary materials and spare parts to the overseas investment companies; importing products manufactured by the overseas resources enterprises to China; importing nonferrous minerals that are in short supply in China to the domestic shareholding smelting enterprises; selling products manufactured from the overseas projects that NFC has undertaken as a contractor to China through buyback; purchasing and selling raw materials and products demanded by domestic shareholding companies.

Apart from the aforesaid two core businesses, NFC has trade agencies in Beijing and Shanghai, dealing with nonferrous metal products like copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, nickel, rare earth oxides and etc. 

Contact Person:Zhang Xiaochun

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