
Technical Achievements

List of Science and Technology Awards Granted

I. National Science and Technology Progress Awards, Technical Invention Awards and Natural Science Awards
SN Description Awards
1 Injection under ambient temperature —dynamic wave scrubbing technology for copper flash smelting First prize of national science and technology progress awards
2 Urban waste landfill demonstration project Second prize of national science and technology progress awards
3 Hazard prevention and control technology for fine clay tailing dam of metal/non-metal mines First prize of national science and technology achievements in safety production
4 Hazard mechanism study and prevention technology of tailing dam Second prize of national science and technology progress awards
5 Entire process automation technology and its applications in copper smelter National science and technology progress awards
6 Industrial applications of imported equipment by Baotou Aluminium Second prize of national science and technology progress awards
7 Research and application of oil film bearing of rolling mill Second prize of national science and technology progress awards
8 Complete equipment for 300m2 sintering of Masteel Second prize of national science and technology progress awards
II. Provincial Science and Technology Progress Awards, Technical Invention Awards and Natural Science Awards
SN Description Awards
1 R & D of complete technology and equipment of cathode copper automation production line First prize of Jiangxi provincial science and technology progress awards; first prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
2 Optimization study on large open pit mine Second prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
3 Research and application of fine clay tailing dam stability and safety technology of metal mines First prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
4 R & D of SO2 flue gas dynamic wave desulfurization technology for power plant coal-fired boiler Third prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
5 Research and application of fine clay tailing dynamics and tailing dam stability technology First prize of Jiangxi provincial science and technology progress awards
6 Study on the process and application of domestic waste landfill site stability Second prize of Jiangxi provincial science and technology progress awards
7 R & D of intelligence monitor, fault diagnosis and information management system for large enterprise power plant Second prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards; Third prize of Jiangxi provincial science and technology progress awards
8 Environmental-friendly, highly efficient and energy-saving integration process of double flash copper metallurgical system First prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
9 Development and application of flash smelting and flash converting automation system in copper smelter. First prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
10 Hazard prevention and control technology for fine clay tailing dam of metal/non-metal mines  First prize of safety production ministerial science and technology awards
11 Innovative pot tending machine First prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
12 Research and application of diaphragm pump delivering solid-liquid biphase technology First prize of China machinery industry science and technology awards
13 Innovative pot tending machine Third prize of Sichuan provincial science and technology awards
14 Cost-effective development and technical research of low-grade and refractory wolframite and scheelite intergrown deposit Third prize of Jiangxi provincial science and technology progress awards
15 Cost-effective development of low-grade and refractory wolframite and scheelite association deposit Third prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
16 Research and application of heavy metal wastewater pollution control technology Second prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
17 R & D of large enterprise power grid lightening proof measures and transformer safety technology First prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
18 Entire process automation technology and its applications in copper smelter First prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
19 Technical research and application of Xiangguang clean copper smelting technology  First prize of Shandong provincial science and technology progress awards 2009
20 Diaphragm pump for alumina refinery First prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
21 Copper recovery method from purified slag in zinc hydrometallurgy Second prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology awards
22 Recovery technology and industrialization of associated sulfide deposit Second prize of Jiangxi provincial science and technology progress awards
23 Hazard forecast, prevention technology and application study of landfill mining Second prize of Jiangxi provincial science and technology progress awards
24 Research and application of hydrodynamics calculation system for universal boiler Second prize of Zhejiang provincial science and technology progress awards
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