

Carbon Plant Project in Egypt
The Project adopts rotary hearth calcining technology from Tenova Core in U.S., which is executed in four phases. Phase I of 300kt/a petroleum coke project started up in August 2011 and is expected to be completed in 2013.
Oxygen Bottom-Blown Lead Smelting Project in India

The Project adopts Oxygen Bottom-Blown Smelting Technology (reduction smelting of lead in blast furnace), namely SLS, with capacity of 100kt/a cathode lead, 100kt/a sulfuric acid and 350t silver, which was put into production in July 2011. 

Panorama of Lead Smelter in India 
Aluminium Smelter Project in Kazakhstan
The Project adopts state-of-the-art 320kA central point feeding prebaked anode pot technology, with capacity of 250kt aluminium ingots, which was put into production in June 2010.

Potroom of Pavlodar Aluminium Smelter in Kazakhstan
Sin Quyen Copper Mine Complex Project in Vietnam
The Project adopts oxygen-enriched bottom-blown smelting technology, namely SKS, with capacity of 10kt/a cathode copper, which was put into production in August 2008.

Matte Smelting using SKS technology in the Copper Smelter


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