
NFC In South Asia

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In South Asia, NFC provided series of equipment design and supply service for Vedanta, completed Dariba 100 kt/a lead smelter, and is constructing SKM shaft sinking project, which is the first over-1000m shaft construction project in India.

  • (1) Dariba Lead Smelter project in India——Project site

    Dariba project adopted Chinese patented SKS direct lead smelting furnace bottom blowing technology, which was exported for the first time. NFC provided design, civil construction, equipment procurement and installation for the project.

  • (2) SKM Shaft Sinking Project in India ——Project site

    SKM Shaft Sinking and Off-shaft Development Project got the top record is 150.8m in one month, The new shaft sinking speed record in India was upgrade many times during construction.

  • Shaft Body of SKM Shaft Sinking Project
  • (3) Vedanta Aluminum Smelter Project in India—— Pot Equipment Project
  • Vedanta Transformer Project Site
  • Vedanta Aluminum Smelter Project ——Aluminum Refinery Debottlenecking Project
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