
NFC In Central Asia

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In Kazakhstan, as EPC contractor, NFC built the KAS aluminum smelter, adopting the advanced Chinese aluminum reduction technology and main equipment. This is Kazakhstan’s first aluminum smelter. At present, NFC is undertaking the projects as EPC contractor such as the Bozshakol 25mt/a copper concentrator, Aktogay 25mt/a copper concentrator, petroleum coke plant upgrading and Bozymchak copper-gold concentrator, with a total contract volume over USD 1.5 billion. Moreover, under the guideline of Frame Agreement of Sino-Kazakh Production Capacity which to be signed between Premiers of two countries, NFC is promoting the negotiation of projects such as the phase III of KAS smelter, Kazakhmys’smelter, gold concentrator and ferro-molybdenum mine, expecting to turn a new page for Sino-Kazakh cooperation in nonferrous metal industry.

  • (1) Pavlodar aluminum smelter project, Kazakhstan

    NFC built the KAS aluminum smelter, adopting the advanced Chinese aluminum reduction technology and main equipment. This is Kazakhstan’s first aluminum smelter, and also a showcase for Chinese state-of-art technology and quality.

  • (2)Aktogay Copper Concentrator Project in Kazakhstan

    Under witness by Mr.Li Keqiang,Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and Mr.Marshimov,Prime Minister of the Republic of kazakhstan,contract of the Aktogay 25Mt/a copper Concentrator Project is signed between China Nonferrous Metal Industry's Foreign Engineering and Construction Co.,Ltd and KAZ Minerals PLC.

  • Aktogay Copper Concentrator Project in Kazakhstan
  • (3)Bozshakol copper concentrator, Kazakhstan——Project Design panorama

    Bozshakol copper concentrator has a design ore-dressing capacity of 30 mt/a, and NFC undertakes equipment and material supply, installation and construction.

  • Signing ceremony of Bozshakol copper concentrator project
  • Bozshakol copper concentrator Project site
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